Tiran Human “Druid Travel Form” Detailed.

This is a comprehensive review of the 8 Wow Kul Tiran human druid travel form. There are four different types: travel, flight and aqua forms, as well as tree forms in 4 colors. We’ll now discuss each type and their characteristics in greater detail.

Kul Tiran Humans Druid Travel Form

There are 4 Kul Tiran Druid travel form color options available for bears. These forms have been seen in woodwork beta and alpha phases before. This form is inspired by drust and drust magic. This model is shared with regular druid bears.

The Kul Tiran world of warcraft human druid bear shape has green glowing eyes and little greenish illumination at the mouth. The head looks more like a skull without skin because it has a strong bond. It has a rugged, classy appearance thanks to the horns that are strapped. The legs have Druid travel form markings.

Cat Form

Kul Tiran druid cat forms also come in 4 color options, all with similar greenish glowing eyes. The mouth has more solid green fumes than the bear. The Head is more like a skull, with two projected horns that have straps around it.

The feet look like extended branches with holes. You can get your cat to do a cool dance, but it’s not as good as the ones already available.

Travel Form

You can also choose from 4 color options. This Druid travel form is best suited for darker colors. It features a large extended horn with many branches. The straps wrap around horns. The horns project two spikes forward, giving it an angry look.


You can carry players on your back, as the name implies. Its eyes and nose glow green with a green light. The same greenish-colored fumes are found in the mouth of Kul Tiran’s human druid travel forms. It is much shorter than the cat or bear forms, but it is very skinny.

Fly Form

We will be looking at the flight from, which is the next Kul Tiran form of druid. It is more like a wicked crow. The size could be a little larger. It has small feather-like leaves and two branches that resemble wings. It has a lower glow than other Kul Tiran forms.

This is a more innovative concept in warcraft. This form has the same four color options. It would be great if there was an option to increase the size. It would be a huge flying creature. That’s okay.

Aqua Form

The aqua form allows you to swim underwater. There are four appearance options. This form is very bulky with large, bent white tusks at the front. The horn branches have leather wraps. The fins can be used to transform the hands into fins.

This will give you sea lion vibes. The glowing green eyes are also visible, but the glow is not as prominent in the mouth. This form is only meant for water so I doubt people will use it much. It is very similar to the Druid night elf druid travel form.