What benefits would pregnant women get?

To find out the nearest PMSMA facility, pregnant women should contact their local ANMs/ASHAs/health workers. The following services are available to pregnant women who visit the government health facilities (DH, SDH or CHC-FRUs, etc.) that provide PMSMA services.

  1. Register : An ANM / Staff Nurse would register a pregnant woman who comes to the PMSMA Center and give her a Mother and Child Protection Card and Safe Motherhood book.
  2. Exam : The Staff Nurse/ANM will measure the height and weight and check the pulse and blood pressure of the mother.
  3. Laboratory Investigations – Hemoglobin (Urine Albumin and Sugar), Malaria, VDRL HIV, Blood Grouping Screening for GDM using OGTT, etc.
  4. Ultrasonography (USG). All PMSMA beneficiaries would be examined by an Obstetrician/medical officer along with their reports. A red sticker/stamped would be added to the MCP card for women who have been deemed to be at high risk based on their examinations and USG reports.
  5. Injection Tetanus Toxoid. Tablet Iron Folic Acid. Tablet Calcium. Any other medication prescribed by a Medical Officer.
  6. Counselling – All pregnant women will receive group counseling (in groups between 10-12) about diet, sleep, routine ANC check ups, breastfeeding, contraceptives, etc.
  7. Transport facilities would be available to pregnant women who live in areas that are difficult or inaccessible.
  8. Red stickers on MCP cards must be presented to pregnant women. They should consult the doctor and make arrangements for the delivery at a facility that offers guaranteed emergency obstetric services. FRU – SDH, CHC and DH / Medical College Hospital
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