To find out the nearest PMSMA facility, pregnant women should contact their local ANMs/ASHAs/health workers. The following services are available to pregnant women who visit the government health facilities (DH, SDH or CHC-FRUs, etc.) that provide PMSMA services.
- Register : An ANM / Staff Nurse would register a pregnant woman who comes to the PMSMA Center and give her a Mother and Child Protection Card and Safe Motherhood book.
- Exam : The Staff Nurse/ANM will measure the height and weight and check the pulse and blood pressure of the mother.
- Laboratory Investigations – Hemoglobin (Urine Albumin and Sugar), Malaria, VDRL HIV, Blood Grouping Screening for GDM using OGTT, etc.
- Ultrasonography (USG). All PMSMA beneficiaries would be examined by an Obstetrician/medical officer along with their reports. A red sticker/stamped would be added to the MCP card for women who have been deemed to be at high risk based on their examinations and USG reports.
- Injection Tetanus Toxoid. Tablet Iron Folic Acid. Tablet Calcium. Any other medication prescribed by a Medical Officer.
- Counselling – All pregnant women will receive group counseling (in groups between 10-12) about diet, sleep, routine ANC check ups, breastfeeding, contraceptives, etc.
- Transport facilities would be available to pregnant women who live in areas that are difficult or inaccessible.
- Red stickers on MCP cards must be presented to pregnant women. They should consult the doctor and make arrangements for the delivery at a facility that offers guaranteed emergency obstetric services. FRU – SDH, CHC and DH / Medical College Hospital