Cramps and Backache Symptoms in Early Pregnancy

Bloating, Cramps and Backache in Early Pregnancy

As part of their physical pre-menstrual symptom, lots of women undergo bloating, cramping and minor backache. Normally this is also experienced as their uterus begins to grow at the early pregnancy stage. Other early pregnancy symptoms usually include:

• lighter bleeding or no period
• cardiovascular, blood flow and temperature changes
• nipple and breast changes
• frequent visits to the toilet
• morning sickness
• saliva increase
• fainting and dizziness
• headaches
• exhaustion and tiredness
• constipation and wind
• early pregnancy libido changes

Lighter Bleeding or No Period

Among the most obvious signs which allow a woman suspect or know about her pregnancy is usually the skipping of a menstrual period. However, there are a number of other symptoms and signs that give early pregnancy clues.

Every woman does not necessarily undergo a missed period during the early weeks that follow her inception. Other than mere confusion, this also leads to misjudged due date calculations and worries concerning continuation of the pregnancy.

Instead of normal periods, some women may experience ‘implantation bleed’, despite having conceived. Light bleeding usually occurs around 12 days following conception or fertilization of the egg in the woman fallopian tune, as the developing fetus begins burrowing into the mother’s uterus lining.

Implantation bleeds typically occur shortly earlier than or almost around the same time as a pregnant woman’s subsequent period would normally have occurred. Though, it is normally not as long or heavy as the normal average period.

Cardiovascular, Blood Flow and Temperature Changes

You will start detecting pregnancy or notice its symptoms 7 to 10 days after ovulation.
Blood Flow Increase during Early Pregnancy

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About six weeks following the last period of a pregnant woman, volume of blood that now flows through her pregnant body will increase gradually.

Pregnancy necessitates remarkable changes in your blood flow. Most obvious of these occurs in your uterus as well as in development of your placenta which enables the fetus to nurture. Blood flow to your skin also increases, thereby making you feel a little warmer and even sweat more, especially in your feet and hands.

This blood flow increase helps to boost the metabolism of your body by almost 20%, which creates extra body heat to protect you from feeling too cold. During pregnancy, your body core temperature will usually rise to around 37.8º Celsius, which is equivalent to around 100.4º Fahrenheit, whereas the normal body temperature is around 37º Celsius, which is equivalent to around 98.6º Fahrenheit. Surplus blood helps your body in meeting the metabolic requirements of your developing fetus, and in flowing to other vital organs, such as your kidneys, etc.

Nipple and Breast Changes

Within a period of 2 to 4 weeks of conception, your breasts will undergo a massive change.

Breast Changes during Pregnancy

Your breasts will begin to enlarge and develop under direct influence of a special hormone in the body, known as oestrogen. This hormone plays the main part during puberty, in the development of your breasts.

Changes noted in your breasts during pregnancy are on account of formation of the growing milk ducts for later breastfeeding purposes. An increase in blood supply will also cause veins of your breasts to become more obvious during pregnancy. As sign of pre-menstruation, some women may undergo breast changes shortly after conception. Accordingly, they may even sense changes prior to the date of their next period.

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Frequent Visits to the Toilet

Many women frequently complain of a repeated urge to pass urine during the period of their early pregnancy. Though, you will start detecting pregnancy or notice its symptoms 7 to 10 days after ovulation, the likelihood of your not experiencing it until nearly at the end of a 6-week gestation period, is more probable.

Why an Urge to Urinate More

This is due to an increased flow of blood to your kidneys, which may be about 35 to 60% more. Shortly after conception, this additional blood makes your kidneys produce more urine, by about 25%. This increased production of urine peaks around nine to fifteen weeks of your pregnancy before gradually settling down.

Further, your developing uterus can also influence passing of frequent urine by applying pressure on your bladder. Pressure on your bladder is among the core reasons for passing frequent urine towards the three last months of your pregnancy. By this time your baby will also have become heavier, as well as moved down further into your pelvis during the weeks preceding birth.

Morning sickness

The morning sickness, actually a misnomer for the ‘entire day sickness’, reflects an overbearing nausea or possibly vomit feeling. It is easily among the most widespread physical complaints related to early pregnancy, caused due the reaction of your body to high level of the pregnancy hormone present.

When You Are Struck By Morning Sickness

Many women spontaneous react to certain smells or odors, and at times even when a toothbrush is pushed down too far, it causes an overwhelming feeling of vomit or nausea.

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Overall, about 85 percent of pregnant women are plagued by various stages of morning sickness. Hence, it is can reasonably be called an inherent feature of pregnancy. Usual signs of morning sickness normally start to show themselves about four weeks into pregnancy and may continue up to around the twelfth week, when they begin to gradually resolve.

Saliva Increase

During the 6-week gestation period, though highly unappetizing, an unexpected amount of saliva may normally be produced by your salivary glands.

Excessive Salivation during Early Pregnancy

Many women may notice that their salivary glands are producing excessive saliva. Some may find this excessive salivation highly unpleasant and nauseating. They may hence even blame it as the primary cause of their morning sickness.

‘Ptyalism’ is a medical term commonly used for referring to excessive saliva. Though, it may develop entirely by itself, it is normally associated with vomiting and nausea, or the symptoms of morning sickness related to the early pregnancy period.

Fainting and Dizziness

Though, dizziness is quite common in the early pregnancy period, fainting or ‘syncope’, has the trend to be rather uncommon.

Fainting and Dizziness during Early Pregnancy

In Victorian times, fainting was considered a more unsophisticated manner of recognizing that a lady was actually pregnant. Remarkably, this simple physical gesture was most certainly not a far call from the reality. Fainting in early or even mid pregnancy periods may be the causative result of natural dilation and relaxation of your blood vessels under the sway of the hormone known as progesterone that lowers your blood pressure.