Singapore the second most ‘up-and-coming’ country globally, according to a survey

It shouldn’t surprise all that many people that Singapore was just recently ranked as the second most “up and coming” country on the planet.

According to information published by the United States News & World Report (in collaboration with a number of consulting firms and top universities), more than 16,000 people were polled internationally and asked to give their vote about the most up and coming, exciting, and intriguing countries on the planet.

Singapore came in second place amongst the more than 60 countries that were ranked, just behind India and ahead of China.

Singapore has always been a forward thinking nation

There are a lot of things that have helped to contribute to the success of Singapore and why they have earned this reputation, but the underlying foundation that has allowed this country to dominate the international scene was laid long ago.

Ever since Singapore became a democratic country they have been focused on one thing and one thing only – creating a very modern and forward thinking nation that would be able to influence things on the global scale in the global community while at the same time fostering business,  technology, and innovation.

They have been able to knock it out of the park when it comes to doing exactly that, and they always seem to be at least a handful of steps ahead of other nations.

Singapore is considered THE most forward looking country on the planet

Another question that was asked of the 16,000 people that were polled was which country they feel is the most forward looking, and Singapore was able to take top honors there.

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As we touched upon above, this isn’t at all surprising.

The entire Singapore economy was founded upon the idea of building businesses from the inside out, supporting the international business community, and leveraging technology as it became available while at the same time innovating across the board to create as strong a nation as possible.

The leadership of Singapore has been in lockstep with this approach ever since the democracy was born, and though there have been a handful of deviations along the way, the overarching plan has always remained the same:

Find new and innovative ways to grow Singapore, while at the same time supporting the citizenry, the global community, and all partners and friends of this nation.

They have been able to do this over the last six decades or so, and likely will be able to continue this forward thinking growth. It’s nice that the global community has started to recognize just how forward thinking Singapore really is.

It wouldn’t be all that surprising if Singapore was able to land the top spot on the up and coming country list next year, and they will likely be on this list (and near the top) for years and years to come.

A green country, a growing economy, and a very business friendly government all helps to support one of the most exciting nations on the planet. Start and Register your company in Singapore! It’s the place to be these days.